On Davie St. downtown every week for the past year, a group of protesters violates Federal criminal, Provincial, and City bylaws. Police officers regularly observe the violations and take no action.
The police confirm that laws are being broken. They embarrassedly admit that are under strict orders not to take any action against the protesters unless things “get out of hand.” Top police officials say that they’ve been instructed by our Vision-led City government not to enforce the laws.
New Yaletown residents, businesses and visitors are increasingly frustrated by this untenable situation. Every week for a year we have been subjected to disturbances of the peace, unpleasantly loud screaming and shouting, and verbal abuse and hostile threats by the protesters, and we have had our children forcefully exposed to disturbing images and offensive language as we simply pass by on the sidewalk.
Speak quietly to a protester and you’ll likely get screamed at and perhaps threatened. The protesters’ noise travels for blocks, interfering with peaceful conversation even within our own homes.
Numerous calls and emails to police and city officials have resulted in no action against the protesters.
Possible criminal and by-law violations by the protesters include:
Federal Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46)
BC Provincial Laws
- Safe Streets Act [SBC 2004] Chapter 75
- Trespass to Property Act
City of Vancouver By-laws
The Davie Street location of the protest is classified by the City Noise Control Bylaw as a residential neighbourhood. The law gives us the right to quiet enjoyment of our homes.
Numerous calls to police and emails to city officials have resulted in no action.
The Community Association of New Yaletown (CANY) has been asked by its members to take action.
CANY firmly believes in the right to protest peacefully. Regardless of the issue being protested, the right to free speech can not be trampled. The right to protest is not at issue.
CANY also firmly believes that laws are created for a purpose. When laws are not enforced, as in the case of the Stanley Cup Riots, civil disorder ensues and confidence in our elected officials drops.
These protesters have gone far beyond peaceful protest. They appear to be violating numerous civil and criminal laws and are creating a hostile, noisy, unpleasant environment in our residential neighbourhood. We have had enough of the continued inaction by our Vision-led government.
So we are asking everyone to demand that Mayor Gregor Robertson and his Vision-led Council enforce the law.
Take Action Now
- Sign the Petition today.
- Call, Email, and Share every time the protesters disturb the peace.
Vancouver Police: 604-717-3321
Noise Complaints Hotline: 604-873-7000
City Council: mayorandcouncil@vancouver.ca
Mayor Gregor Robertson: gregor.robertson@vancouver.ca
Police: vpd@vpd.ca
#Vanpoli #Vancouver @MayorGregor @CityofVancouver @VanMayorsOffice @VancouverPD @VisionVancouver @iyaletown @yaletown
Sign the petition
Add your name to the hundreds of people who want the City to enforce the laws to keep protests peaceful.