TWELVE community-based legal actions and injunctions against the City of Vancouver and politicians

CityHallWatch is now tracking TWELVE community-based legal actions involving the City of Vancouver and members of Council.  We need to ensure that our elected members are working for us, and we must do so by taking a stand and using our voices as a collective to make sure that they act in the best interest of our community.  Please sign the petition and let your voice be heard.

Follow the list here.

2014-06-18T20:18:27-07:00June 18, 2014|

Another Redevelopment Conflict And a Continuing Decline at City Hall of Any Regard for Rules or Laws

Another neighbourhood has launched a lawsuit against City Councillors for passing a redevelopment project when there was a conflict of interest.  11 members of the Vancouver General Hospital Neighbourhood Association have launched a lawsuit against Councillors Geoff Meggs and Kerry Jang alleging that the councillors should not have voted on the redevelopment of Heather Place as they sit on the corporation applying for the rezoning.

Neighbourhoods, like New Yaletown, are not happy with the City of Vancouver and their actions.  As citizens, we need our elected members to listen to the community and make decisions in the interest of the residents, not their own.

Check out the full story here!

2014-06-17T16:56:12-07:00June 17, 2014|

The Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods challenges all candidates to support Neighbourhood-Based planning

CANY is a member and proud supporter of the Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods.  We are trying to save Emery Barnes Park, but other neighbourhoods are facing similar issues.  We need the City of Vancouver to work more with the communities to ensure a livable city for generations to come.


Angered for years by Vancouvers divisive community engagement practices, communities from across the city have united as the Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods to demand more from elected officials. The Coalition today published its Principles and Goals for Collaborative Neighbourhood-Based Planning in the City of Vancouver.

 The Coalition will be calling on all candidates in the citys upcoming November election to declare publicly their support of these shared principles. The Coalition, which maintains no party affiliation, will then actively publicize which candidates and parties support the Principles and Goals and which candidates and parties reject a collaborative relationship with neighbourhoods.

 The Principles and Goals document calls for re-establishing a partnership between the City and its neighbourhoods, and recognizing neighbourhoods as the fundamental building block for future land use and development. The document asks elected officials to:

  • work collaboratively with residents, neighbourhood associations and community organizations throughout development planning processes;
  • consider the interests of communities and residents above developer profits;
  • work with local residents and local businesses to determine how best to meet city-wide and regional goals within their individual communities.

The Coalition now represents a majority of Vancouver neighbourhoods, and continues to attract and welcome new member associations. It has grown to include 24 diverse community associations from all across the city, from the West End, Downtown East Side and Point Grey, to Mount Pleasant, Strathcona and Shaughnessy Heights, all in strong support of a collaborative relationship with their civic government.

 “The Coalition has clearly articulated what we expect of our government,” says Grandview-Woodland resident, Jak King, one of the founders of the Coalition. Were seeking a Collaborative Partnership that is transparent and accountable; Development that builds community, not just bricks and mortar; and a Livable sustainable city that acknowledges neighbourhoods as the fundamental building block for future development.

In supporting the work of the Coalition, Dunbar Residents Association representative Jonathan Weisman said: “We’ve demonstrated that a collaborative neighbourhood-centred planning process can be very successful. In Dunbar, our community vision continues to enjoy broad and strong support, and contributes to the neighbourhood’s sense of pride and engagement.

The absence of neighbourhood-based planning only leads to conflict and opposition to development,” said Fern Jeffries, co-chair of the False Creek Residents Association  and a founding leader of the Coalition. “Our statement of Principles and Goals is timely as our neighbourhood continues fighting for a park that has been a legal commitment since 1990. Current plans involved absolutely no meaningful consultation with the neighbourhood, and that has to change.

The full document detailing Principles and Goals and a complete listing of participating organizations can be found at our web site:  Also available is a one-page summary of the document.

For further information contact:


2020-04-23T17:24:29-07:00June 17, 2014|

Families out at Emery Barnes Park for Father’s Day 2014

Father’s Day was another busy day at Emery Barnes Park as families came out to enjoy the sunshine and wind down after a busy weekend. Vancouver needs more places like this in the city to ensure that children and parents have a place to spend some active time together. This is what makes a life enjoyable and we need the City of Vancouver to work with us to keep Vancouver green and liveable for generations to come. So please sign our petition and help donate to our cause this Father’s Day to ensure that future generations can enjoy a wonderful park.

Father’s Day, June 15, 2014

2014-06-17T00:43:41-07:00June 15, 2014|

City Delivers Disappointing Response to CANY Freedom of Information Request

On May 6, within hours of being served the legal Petition filed by the Community Association of New Yaletown (CANY), the City finally delivered a portion of the information that a CANY member had requested under the Freedom of Information (FOI) act.

Of the 8500+ pages covered by the request, the City delivered just 85 pages—less than one percent. City officials blanked out content totalling roughly 29 of those 85 pages.

The documents arrived more than 90 days past the initial due date set by the City itself. The City’s delays had triggered the BC Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner (OIPC) to fast-track its inquiry into the matter.

CANY is disappointed in the City’s continued withholding of information. We are further troubled by the City’s failure to deliver any of the required documents until after CANY filed legal action.

Read on for a chronology and to see the redacted documents:

Sample Redacted FOI Response Page


2020-04-23T17:24:29-07:00May 19, 2014|